Ometria: Lifecycle 18

Moving Lifecycle up a gear

Four years ago, 20 people convened for the first Lifecycle conference. Fast-forward to 2018 and Ometria - the customer marketing platform for retail - wanted support taking their conference to the next level. Needing a partner who understood both the commercial and content demands of growing the event for a discerning retail audience, Ometria chose us.

With Forgather in the project management driving seat, wrestling with the budget, tackling sponsorship sales/management, building the agenda, and ensuring that all elements of the event planning and production were on track, Ometria could focus on driving ticket sales in the year they switched to a paid-for business model.

 Over 300 retailers congregated to share, learn, and debate how to better earn the loyalty of their customers. Lifecycle 2018 boasted an industry-leading speaker lineup including eve Sleep, and Forrester. We co-curated a full day of talks, panels, break-out sessions and community discussions shaping content that covered personalisation, the power of storytelling and customer marketing in a post GDPR world and ensured that onsite logistics were silky smooth.

Proud moments

  • Delivering content with actionable insights. 100% of the audience said they learned something new that they could apply to their own roles.

  • Increasing ticket revenues by 193% and sponsorship revenues by 20%

  • Creating a bargain, ‘living’ stage set filled with 150 plants provided as sponsorship-in-kind from Patch, to complement swish Scandi-chairs borrowed from

  • Using WATCHOUT multi-display software to bring the event brand to life in synchronized animations throughout the day.


“A welcome space to engage and share ideas, knowledge and experiences. Taking away a deeper understanding of current thinking that is relevant to our business.” - Alex Grandtisch, The Natural Shoe Store

“A great breadth of very current and relevant CRM insights by leading ecommerce speakers at leading ecommerce companies with helpful and actionable takeaways” - Kelly Wan, Lovecrafts 

“Unlike many other events, Lifecycle retains a core focus that is centred around experience and insight from real professionals”  -  Jack Cooper, Andertons Music