Belong by Peakon

Belong by Peakon

Peakon was 4 and their CEO Phil turned 40, so what better way to celebrate than with their community of 500 customers and prospects at the launch of Belong, a full day event to collaboratively examine the employee experience. Peakon would bring the audience, but needed our steady hand to steer them through an intense sprint to the event, establishing their reputation as a global enterprise HR SaaS vendor on the journey to acquisition by Workday in January 2021.

With time of the essence, Forgather secured the venue, and set project plans in motion including advising on production and creative. We developed the event flow, sourcing keynote speakers to share big ideas like global happiness, storytelling with data, and the power of listening/sound, all anchored down with actionable insights from customers including CapGemini, Monzo, easyJet and Pret.

The agenda was jam-packed, and Forgather wrangled two production companies to build four stages and run multiple tracks across the afternoon. We kept session owners to task, managed the venue and motivated twelve Peakon teams to be in the right place at the right time and not let sessions start a minute late.

We enjoyed bringing the brand to life, creating eye catching stands with personal touches including a pop-up speaker bookshop and customer connection points to showcase the best of Peakon, in a hospitality area boasting more plants than your grandad’s greenhouse.      

Proud moments

  • Forging a supportive partnership with the Peakon team and riding the waves of rapid scaling and international expansion. The yoga flow after every Tuesday meeting definitely helped us feel more zen.

  • Making the most of a tight budget and even tighter deadlines. Understanding where spending would have impact and where to hold back. Puppies, plants, inflatable ball pits and designer ice creams couldn’t all make the cut.

  • Setting the scene with TED veterans and industry experts. 100% of guests said they felt inspired to try something new in their organisation the next day.

  • Coordinating a surprise sing-along as the whole team jumped on stage to celebrate Phil’s birthday (and not setting off the fire alarms at The Brewery with our sparklers).

  • 89% of attendees said they wanted to get more involved in the community.

  • Supporting sustainable growth by getting green fingered – 350 plants onsite, all of which have been lovingly re-homed by the Peakon community.


“Very impressive planning and execution of the event - everything from the speakers to the food to the timeline was on point! Awesome job!” - Attendee

“Loved the keynote speakers... some amazing content that inspired. Liked the opportunity to chat to others. Loved the Elevate plants you gave out. Overall the event was a real success and those who organised it should be extremely proud!” - Attendee

“It's been a pleasure to work together on our events and hopefully that can continue in the new world.”
- Phil Chambers, CEO, Peakon